
October 12, 2008

John & I had been hunting this swamp at a little lease we are a member of just a few miles South of my house in St Johns county (just West of St Augustine) & had seen turkeys several times just mostly hens. Well last Sunday we had decided to hunt together in my Double Bull 360 blind so we could try & video tape each other shooting a Hog. Well the hogs came in but did not offer a shot & no more than they cleared out we could hear turkeys moving through the woods. I started a little hen talking on your call & man they liked it, the next thing I knew they were coming in force.
We each picked out good Jakes from the bunch that moved by & my arrow found its mark as I watched the Lumenock disappear, the turkey did not make it 10 yards. A few high fives & congrats we in order, as this was my first turkey with the bow!!